Vaporize herb and wax in style and clandestinely with the Utillian 720 portable vaporizer!
The Utillian is built with a durable anodized aluminum shell and a black rubberized finish. Its convection heating system lets you vape your herb and wax within 60 seconds. There are four temperature settings, ranging from 338F to 410F, and a temperature booster that enhances the heat by providing four additional temps.
The vapor produced is smooth and flavorful, and inhaled through a straw-like mouthpiece that pops-up from the top of the vaporizer.
The Utillian 720 comes with the vaporizer, USB cable, tweezers, wax canister, brush, and an O-ring screen set.
Get a 1-year warranty on the Utillian 720 through TVape.