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Virginia Gubernatorial Nominee Ed Gillespie Seeks Looser Marijuana Laws


Gubernatorial nominee for the Republican Party, Ed Gillespie, has a different plan in mind when it comes to reforming Virginia’s marijuana laws. The policy Gillespie would introduce is coined the “Three strikes and you’re in” approach. In other words, there wouldn’t be a criminal charge for simple marijuana possession on the first two offenses.

Fortunately, for Virginians, Gillespie does support medical marijuana, but under tight regulation, according to Richmond Times-Dispatch. He plans to review the results of the Virginia marijuana decriminalization study. He does not, however, support “straight decriminalization across the board.”

Gillespie said, “The third time, you need to know better and at that point you’re subjecting yourself to the criminal justice system. I think that aligns the offense with the penalty much more fairly and gives people not only a first chance, but a second chance as well.”

Gillespie’s competition, Democrat Ralph Northam has already called for marijuana decriminalization.